Wednesday, May 20, 2015

I still love books

" I still love books.  Nothing a computer can do can compare to a book." - Ray Bradbury

Common Answer

"I want to write a book."

A common answer to a bucket list question.  Many people desire to write a book in their lifetime, a noble accomplishment.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Publisher for life

I am in the process of signing a contract with Tate Publishing to print every book I write.  As on-line sales are coming in for Mott's Mind, I have the comfort of knowing my next book does not have to go through the acceptance process.  That gives me piece of mind, knowing whatever I want to say will go in to print.  This is perfect for writing a book that goes rogue.

Friday, May 15, 2015

Click Continue

Place the mouse over the Continue button and left click.  By clicking Continue commands the computer to process the next step.  That process was written by the computer programmer.  It means execute the next step.  Programmers can use any word, sentence or paragraph they choose to invoke an action.  Some programs you use will use synonyms to describe the action such as Resume, Next and Execute.  Its an author's choice to use, thinking about who will be using this program and what you believe makes most sense to them.  Same is true for a writer's next option to commence with the next step to achieve the final result and have it published.

Stop writing has many reasons for doing so.  Reasons can be defined by excuses, real or not.  It is common to say writer's block without giving detail.  Some want to inquire to be in the know.  I don't believe an explanation has to be given unless you feel close to your readers who have read some form of communication in the past and are anxious to read more from you.

Mine was health reasons.  It was communication from one part of the body to another that could reveal itself, by manifestation which hurt more than the original problem.  Mine completed its task by infecting my eyes.  The eyes were the wake up call.  I was unaware that messengers would be used, inflicting more pain to make you aware of the original severe pain.

I can best describe by sharing an accident which occurred on an asphalt road.  I found out quickly three things can happen; exiting a vechile traveling 45 mph will have your body roll for a distance, road rage burns can cover most of your body as well as cuts, and the rimless glasses purchased at Wal-Mart will stay in place during the entire event.  One burn would hurt the most and was treated.  Once that pain subsided there was another burn that hurt as much as the original.  My body could not communicate more pain while it was fixated on the present burn.

Same was true for my eyes.  Once relief was found for the eyes, I did have body parts that were equal to the eye pain.  I just couldn't feel it.      

After months of tests, surgery is being scheduled.  Some relief was done as an outpatient procedure which is allowing my brain to find the area used for writing and can sit properly rather than attempting positions no human should try at home.  Recovery from surgery will probably take away 5 - 7 days.  What it will do to my writing is unknown.

I learned something new in this journey and practiced a skill from years ago.

I did not have any training on dead blood.  It stays in your body and in to your blood system.  The best description is it emulates tar.  Its color is black and sticks to everything.  It doesn't wipe off a surface, it must be scrubbed off.  I can only imagine what action needs to be taken to remove it from my bloodstream.

Occupational therapy, which I first called crafts, was a life saver.  I used something that I had done before.  I called it Limb Bark Art.  As it started to sell the art collectors called it Limbs under glass.  I don't care what you call it as long as it sells.  There seems to be a ninche market for it as no one has ever seen anything close to it. Its common to call artist Starving Artists.  In my case, winning an art show brought in more money than the 2nd release of my book.  I had to twist the words around and change my resume giving my limbs under glass the highest priority.  Many blogs are posts of the pictures.  Pictures don't give the works credit it deserves.  It needs to be seen in person.  Shows will continue to be scheduled and books will be sold from the same booth.

Mott goes Rogue is a perfect type of book for me to write.  Insights are many, which can be written about except for those people and foundation I have a non-disclosure with.  Each chapter goes rogue on a different subject.  It should be fun to read, as nothing needs to scary about it.  It's truths rather than what we learned from our parents, k-12 and the traditions of our families.

I look forward to working on  it during the late spring and summer months.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

I am the happiest Grandpa in the Whole Wide World

Madison finding out she will be eating Thanksgiving Turkey with Grandpa.

Celebrating Sydney's birthday while Uncle Steve and Uncle Ron are in town.  At Sumo's.

Elliott is somewhere.  Today's picture not available.

We found Elliott!

Thursday, November 6, 2014

New INK! Saturday, November 15 at Full Circle Bookstore 50 Penn Place OKC

You are cordially invited to attend my meet and greet.  Be sure to purchase your book now for Christmas - a great gift for the person who has everything and priced right for Christmas gift exchange parties.


Wednesday, October 22, 2014


By having researched my audience and suggested how to increase my audience allows me to enhance my second book, Mott goes rogue.

The blog for this book has started.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Save our children, Research excerpts for parental shielding trial

They have it backwards

They have it backwards

It is not an issue of learning to use EMF/RFR but to shield from it.