Tuesday, September 23, 2014

International book distribution

International distribution for Mott’s Mind includes the countries of Australia, Austria, Brazil, France, Germany, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Romania, South Africa, Spain, Taiwan, Singapore, Thailand and the United Kingdom.  Books can also be sent to Belgium and the Netherlands.

It's a good day to share a secret with your best friend -- or someone else who can fill in. It doesn't even have to have anything to do with you, as long as it's meaningful to the both of you.
We really don't want to see Congressman Ron Barber [D-AZ-2] get re-elected as his "alternative" mental health reform bill made mental illness a partisan political toy.

By coincidence, one of the money people feel the same way as I do.  Barber will not be re-elected.  Please read below what happened.  Its amazing what six hundred and fifty thousand dollars can do.

What an incredible surprise!

On Monday, September 22, 2014 10:02 PM, Barber HQ <info@ronbarberforcongress.com> wrote:

We just don't know what else to do.

Another right-wing group just piled on with another $65O,OOO.OO more against Ron.

Because Love is not enough

Because love is not enough, 
have your congressman sign The Helping Families in Mental Health Crisis Act of 2013.
September 23, 2014

Greetings Mental Health Advocate, 

I recognize that it has been some time since I have communicated   with you on Congressman Tim Murphy's [R-PA-18] bill H.R. 3717,   "Helping Families in Mental Health Crisis Act of 2013." 

Has your congressman shown his support for H.R. 3717? Find out here. Click on cosponsors

The good news is that mental health care reform is getting attention. The bad news is some support may have been lost for H.R. 3717 when competing bill H. R. 4574 was introduced by Representative Ron Barber [D-AZ-2]. 
We need your help.  We need you to call your congressman to become a co-sponsor of H.R. 3717, The Helping Families In Mental Health Crisis Act.
1. Urgently needed resources for suicide prevention

2. Federal resources for jail diversion and community reentry of persons with mental illness and co-occurring substance use disorders involved with criminal justice systems

3. Protections in access to psychiatric medications in Medicare and Medicaid 
4. Expanded eligibility for federal resources to improve health information technology and electronic health information technology for mental health programs and providers, and

5. Authorizing same day billing in Medicaid for mental health and physical healthcare services, thereby improving integrated mental and physical healthcare. 

There are some key differences in the two bills that have generated much public discussion. Here are some examples: 

1. HR 3717 creates an exception to the current Institutions for Mental Diseases (IMD) exclusion in Medicaid to permit federal Medicaid dollars to be used to pay for acute inpatient psychiatric treatment. HR 4574 does not address this issue.

2. HR 3717 proposes changes to the federal health privacy law (HIPAA) that would provide families and caregivers with more access to information necessary to serve in a care giving role. HR 4574 does not address this issue. 

3. HR 3717 contains provisions limiting the authority of the federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) and the federal Protection and Advocacy for Individuals with Mental Illness (PAIMI) programs. There is no comparable provision in HR 4574. 

4. HR 3717 contains provisions to broaden the use of inpatient and outpatient civil commitment. There is no comparable provision in HR 4574. 

H. R. 3717 has the full support of NAMI Edmond-North OKC
as it is a more comprehensive bill that strengthens what is working, addresses what is not working, and it focuses on the hardest-to-treat group, those without insight into their illness. 

Tim Murphy spoke to a room full of National Alliance on Mental Illness members at the National Convention in September 2014.  Murphy said, "[Our mental health system] is a broken system that must be changed."  NAMI is a grass roots movement for change motivated by love and "It will be love that will win in the long run,"  said Murphy.

If love was enough our loved ones with serious mental illness would not be as likely to be homeless, incarcerated, unemployed or die 25 years too young. We are grateful for Rep. Tim Murphy's leadership.

We have an urgent request.  We need you to call your congressman, asking him or her to become a co-sponsor of H.R. 3717,  The Helping Families In Mental Health Crisis Act. 

To make an Ask of your representative, have he or she make the call to Representative Tim Murphy's office at (202) 225 - 2301 and volunteer to sign up as a co-sponsor.  

In order for this legislation to go to a vote in this the 113th legislative session the bill needs more support.  Today the H.R. 3717  has 108 cosigners. Today through the end of October we urge you to lobby your representative to sign the bill or thank himfor his support and work to ensure that his or her support does not waver.

You will know if your Ask has been accepted by reviewing the official roster of co-sponsors at Look for support from my district

You can get the telephone number for your legislator by clicking on Find my Representative

It's a well-known fact that 2/3rds of the people do not like to or will not make an Ask.  I ask of you to be part of the 1/3rd who is not embarrassed to make an Ask of your legislator. 

If you do not see your district being represented it is okay to make that call again.  It is not uncommon for advocates to make 3 phone calls making the same Ask.  I know that you can do this.  You will feel empowered by doing this deed.

Make your call out of true love for those who have a mental illness diagnosis or are not in treatment.

Thank you. 

Jean Williams and Randy Conyers
jean@NamiEdmond.org    RandallConyers@yahoo.com 

Monday, September 22, 2014

By coincidence only

It's a great day to help a friend or a stranger -- your energy needs an outlet. If you can rack up some bonus karma, so much the better. That's sure to come in handy in the near future!

What a coincidence that this is what is happening today in my life!  

Helping a friend or stranger is a daily deed, not specific to today.  Its nice to have the affirmation of what we do, helps the karma which also is known as the mind that surrounds us.  

Its nice to be known by our deeds, as they had good intentions, as those deeds shall be what judges us, meaning sometimes they go bad or are perceived by some to be bad while another can see the same deed to be that which contributes to the greater good. 

Either way, the bonus karma seems to rack up.  I think I'll continue to do those things and accept the responsibility of the consequences of those actions.

Can't wait until what tomorrow is suppose to bring my way.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

The yellow pages of the Randy Theory regarding Body,Mind,Spirit,Soul

A Presentation from Mott's Mind

Recognized as a Notable Person to Know, my yellow pages are being published for public consumption.  

Part I.

Part II of the Randy Theory will show the brain at a cellular level.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

H.R. 3717 practiced for reaching rural Oklahomans to OKC - Edmond

NAMI Edmond Affiliate utilizes the evidence based practice of reaching the undeserved and rural populations, a section of Representative Tim Murphy's bill H.R. 3717, The Helping Families in Mental Health Crisis Act, to teach its signature class, Family to Family, for educating family members about their loved one's mental illness crisis who live too far from Oklahoma City to make a round trip practical to attend the class in person by including them by teleconference.  The students in the September class are comprised of family members who have experienced their first mental health crisis where their loved one has recently received their first mental illness diagnosis.  The family members have no experience or education in mental health.  It is the beginning of a true love story.

As a community based service, the Crossings Community Church provides the required hardware at no cost to the students.

A large video screen displays the remote students where their computer screen displays the local class to create a seamless learning environment.

Audio features allow the remote students to participate like any other student in the class.

The class is cost free to the student.

The class material is cost free to the students.

NAMI Volunteers are trained to teach.the class without being a mental heath provider.  They do not practice providing mental health services.  It is strictly an educational class where all material is provided by NAMI.  It is true love that takes the burden of the costs

H.R. 3717 legislation is modeled on a successful project in Massachusetts, the bill advances tele-psychiatry to link pediatricians and primary care physicians with psychiatrists and psychologists in areas where patients do not have access to mental health professions.

True Love Prevails.

Please make an ask to your representative to contact Dr. Murphy at his congressional office, (202) 225-2301 and sign the co-sponsor list.

(from left to right) Congressman Tim Murphy, Family to Family teachers Jean Williams and Eileen Morefield, Randy Conyers, Family To Family Resources


Monday, September 15, 2014

Rights, Privileges and Responsibilities

One who has been deemed a Notable "Someone to know" has many rights, one to be unalienable, with multiple privileges which bestows upon him many responsibilities that any deed he is known for shall also be the deed he shall be judged by. 

(better CYA)

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Emotional book signing in Columbia Maryland

Emotions, body language, touch and good friends gives reason to write and publish as it is not love but True Love. Regardless of circumstance, it is True Love that prevails. Truly Love thy neighbor, Truly Love your enemies. Truly Love those who persecute you. Truly Love those who destroy, yet they will never have the ability to create. Truly Love those who do not know how to read. Truly Love those who refuse to read, to learn and gain self knowledge to become an individual like no other.. Truly Love those who live by hearsay. Truly Loves those who do not practice the belief of right and wrong, but that of a natural man, without spirit, who can only recognize fun and boring where war is fun and peace brings boredom. Look and feel the woman who is True Love. You can sense her True Love. Your heart will recognize her True Love. Look deep in to each picture and you will see True Love. And why is she True Love? True Love prevails over all things.

Why is there turmoil, territorial boundary disputes over land that no man owns and can only be a good steward over, as it came about long before you. The earth will never be sold. Your ownership rights are none. True Love has been lost in many lands, only to be found again by those perceived to be the less likely. True Love will be found as it is True Love that always prevails.

Thank you Marissa.

Monday, September 8, 2014

For the greater good for all may be a personal loss for you.

A few people at the NAMI National Conference said they didn't have to worry about H.R. 3717 being passed during this session of congress. What they don't know is the reason they are against the bill is in transition and the bill is still on godspeed to get passed. 

Here is the result that both Republicans and Democrats agree with:

1. Your organization is for the bill.

2. You are getting paid to lobby for Congress to Reform Mental Illness.

3. Congressmen write a bill to do just that, a major reform.

4. The major reform calls for those who are being paid to advocate with tax payer's money will not be funded with taxpayer's money. Once taxpayers understand this, they are mortified how their money has been used in the past.

5. Certain advocates are now against the bill because they lobby and will be without a job. 

Conclusion is if you advocate for Congress to Reform and the result is that you are personally found to have lost your job, you just lost your job. Period. 

The BIG left sided progressive leaders agree with this as well.

This bill has been made out of true love for those who are not receiving help. True Love Prevails over ALL things.

Stay tuned for more of my comments.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Randy, Here's my questions

What's a brief bit of your personal history in our city?


What's the fit for public consumption version of your success story?

What was the darkest moment of your life and why? How did you climb out of it?

what can you say to help readers understand what that experience was like?

What's your message of hope to readers who are struggling with a mental illness?

What's your message to readers who want to help someone else who is struggling?

Are there any myths out there about mental illness you'd like to dispel?

Is there anything else you feel is crucial to know about this issue?

Have you or a loved one been diagnosed with a mental illness?

Have you or a loved one been hospitalized because of your diagnosis?

Has the quality of your life been affected by mental illness?

Has a loved one committed suicide?

Have you ever seen a crazy person?