Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Emotional book signing in Columbia Maryland

Emotions, body language, touch and good friends gives reason to write and publish as it is not love but True Love. Regardless of circumstance, it is True Love that prevails. Truly Love thy neighbor, Truly Love your enemies. Truly Love those who persecute you. Truly Love those who destroy, yet they will never have the ability to create. Truly Love those who do not know how to read. Truly Love those who refuse to read, to learn and gain self knowledge to become an individual like no other.. Truly Love those who live by hearsay. Truly Loves those who do not practice the belief of right and wrong, but that of a natural man, without spirit, who can only recognize fun and boring where war is fun and peace brings boredom. Look and feel the woman who is True Love. You can sense her True Love. Your heart will recognize her True Love. Look deep in to each picture and you will see True Love. And why is she True Love? True Love prevails over all things.

Why is there turmoil, territorial boundary disputes over land that no man owns and can only be a good steward over, as it came about long before you. The earth will never be sold. Your ownership rights are none. True Love has been lost in many lands, only to be found again by those perceived to be the less likely. True Love will be found as it is True Love that always prevails.

Thank you Marissa.

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