80% of all U.S. families did not read and did not buy a book last year, a staggering statistics.
75% of readers prefer to read a book on paper rather than electronically.
The statistic for people who have not read a book since graduating from school is so depressing that I won't quote the number.
If you don't read a book or learn to read a legislative bill, you will listen to any opinion said by the media. You will believe the excerpt taken to be true and will add it to your belief system.
When I listen to a statement, asked to sign a petition based on the short section that was reported or asked to make a statement of such, I must go to the source and read the complete document before I can make my remarks.
Many times I've read a petition that has arrived via e-mail, read the horror and immediately sign the petition. My bad.
I appreciate how MoveOn.org sends me an e-mail, a petition that a member of the eight million members civic action group has written and asks for my opinion, if they should support it.
I start my research, looking for the original document or original statement that the petition was based on. I take my findings and report back to the organization my opinion of the petition. Some are spot on. Some are created after the fact, where a vote and decision have already taken place. This type of petition is the most frustrating of all. I raise the red flag and yell "stop the press!", vote has already been taken. There is nothing more embarrassing than receiving an e-mail or a text message asking me I know how to read, if I keep up with current events or am asked what I've been smoking. I feel like the person who Jesus called the worse possible name he called an individual person, a fool.
If I do not read, I will believe anything the media says, which means I am a fool. What I am hearing is what makes a good story, a reason to tune in a certain channel at a defined time. I'm told not to miss it. If I don't go read and research the remark, I will miss it.
Now is the time of opportunity. An opportunity for a volunteer fundraiser to sell you a book that will not only profit you, it makes a profit for the person who has volunteered his time because of his compassion for his cause.
If you are fund raising for mental illness, nothing is better than my book, Mott's Mind now in its second edition.
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